10 Tips on Investing During Periods of Volatility

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January 1, 2024

During periods of economic volatility, many investors tend to panic and oversell. However, times like these, when things look challenging, can have the potential to be financially lucrative times to invest. But just like during times of economic prosperity, it's important to have a well-thought-out strategy. Below are 10 key tips that may be helpful to keep in mind when investing in a tumultuous market.

1. Continued long-term investment strategy

Broadening a long-term investment strategy with diversification is a crucial aspect of successful investing. Diversification involves spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, geographic regions, and investment vehicles. This approach aims to potentially reduce risk and enhance the potential for long-term growth.

The main benefit of diversification is limiting exposure to any single investment or asset class. Holding a mix of investments helps decrease the impact that a poorly performing investment may have on an overall portfolio. For example, if a particular stock or sector experiences a downturn, the negative impact can be offset by the positive performance of other investments in the portfolio.

Diversification also enables taking advantage of various market conditions and opportunities. Different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, or alternative investments, tend to perform differently under different economic circumstances. By diversifying across asset classes, potential returns can be captured from those performing well while mitigating losses from underperforming assets.

Furthermore, diversification aligns investments with risk tolerance and financial goals. Considering risk appetite and investment objectives, a diversified mix of assets can be selected that matches the desired level of risk and potential returns. For instance, a higher risk tolerance may lead to a larger allocation to equities, while a more conservative approach may involve a greater allocation to fixed-income investments.

2. Clarify your goals, risk tolerance, and risk capacity

Firstly, defining clear investment goals is crucial. These goals can vary depending on individual circumstances, such as saving for retirement, funding education expenses, or purchasing a property. By clarifying specific goals, investors can establish a target and design an investment strategy aligned with those objectives.

Secondly, understanding risk tolerance is important. Risk tolerance refers to an individual's comfort level with fluctuations in investment values. Some individuals may be more inclined to take on higher levels of risk for potentially higher returns, while others prefer a more conservative approach. Assessing risk tolerance helps in determining the appropriate mix of investments that matches an individual's comfort level.

Lastly, assessing risk capacity is vital. Risk capacity considers an individual's financial situation, including income, assets, liabilities, and time horizon. It determines how much risk an individual can afford to take. Investors with a longer time horizon and stable financial standing may have a higher risk capacity, allowing them to allocate more resources to potentially higher-risk investments.

3. Being well informed and adjusting your investment strategy

Firstly, staying well informed about market trends, economic conditions, and relevant news is important. Regularly monitoring financial news, industry reports, and economic indicators can provide valuable insights into the market landscape. By staying informed, investors can make informed decisions and adjust their investment strategy based on current information.

Secondly, adjusting an investment strategy involves regularly reviewing and reassessing portfolio performance and market conditions. This process allows investors to ensure that their investments remain aligned with their goals, risk tolerance, and market dynamics. Adjustments may involve rebalancing asset allocations, making sector-specific adjustments, or considering new investment opportunities.

Additionally, when adjusting an investment strategy, it is important to take a long-term perspective and avoid making knee-jerk reactions based on short-term market fluctuations. Market volatility is a natural part of investing, and making impulsive decisions can lead to suboptimal outcomes. Instead, focus on the underlying fundamentals of investments and make adjustments based on a well-thought-out strategy.

Lastly, regular monitoring and adjustment should not be overly frequent or driven by short-term market noise. It is important to strike a balance between proactive monitoring and avoiding excessive trading or reactive decision-making. A well-informed and disciplined approach to adjusting the investment strategy can lead to better outcomes over the long term.

4. Take advantage of short-term opportunities

Firstly, short-term opportunities can arise from market inefficiencies, temporary market downturns, or specific events impacting certain sectors or companies. These opportunities may allow investors to capitalize on undervalued assets or take advantage of short-term price discrepancies.

One approach to benefit from short-term opportunities is active trading or tactical asset allocation. Active traders closely monitor market movements and seek to profit from short-term price fluctuations. They use technical analysis, market indicators, and trading strategies to identify entry and exit points for trades. However, it's important to note that active trading carries higher transaction costs and requires expertise and diligent monitoring.

Another strategy is tactical asset allocation, where investors adjust their portfolio allocations based on short-term market conditions. For example, during a market downturn, investors may increase their exposure to sectors or assets that historically perform well during recovery phases. This strategy involves making timely adjustments to capitalize on short-term market trends.

5. Dollar-cost average your investments across time

Dollar-cost averaging is a strategy that involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals over a long period. This approach can be beneficial in navigating market fluctuations and reducing the impact of short-term volatility on investment returns.

By dollar-cost averaging, investors buy more shares or units of an investment when prices are low and fewer shares or units when prices are high. This strategy allows investors to benefit from the concept of "buying the dip," as they accumulate more shares at lower prices, potentially lowering the average cost per share over time.

The key advantage of dollar-cost averaging is that it removes the need to time the market. Instead of trying to predict the best entry point, investors consistently invest a fixed amount at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions. This systematic approach can help avoid emotional decision-making and reduce the risk of making poor investment choices based on short-term market fluctuations.

Dollar-cost averaging can also help smooth out the impact of market volatility. During periods of market downturn, when prices are lower, investors buy more shares, taking advantage of the lower prices. Conversely, during market upswings, when prices are higher, the fixed investment amount buys fewer shares. Over time, this can result in a favorable average cost per share.

Another benefit of dollar-cost averaging is that it encourages disciplined investing. By committing to regular investments, investors develop a consistent saving and investing habit, which can lead to long-term wealth accumulation. It takes advantage of the power of compounding, as the investment grows over time through the potential appreciation of the underlying assets.

6. Invest in alternative investments

Investing in alternative investments can offer diversification and potential opportunities beyond traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Alternative investments are non-traditional asset types that can include private equity, venture capital, real estate, commodities, hedge funds, and more. These investments can provide distinct benefits and unique risk-return profiles.

One advantage of alternative investments is their potential to generate attractive returns . Private equity and venture capital, for example, allow investors to participate in the growth and success of private companies that may not be accessible through public markets. Real estate investments offer potential income from rental properties and the possibility of capital appreciation. Commodities provide exposure to tangible assets like gold or oil, which can serve as a hedge against inflation or other market risks.

Another benefit is the potential for diversification. Alternative investments often have low correlation with traditional asset classes, which means they may perform differently under various market conditions. By adding alternative investments to a portfolio, investors can potentially reduce overall portfolio risk and enhance risk-adjusted returns.

7. Rebalance your portfolio

During volatile times, the value of investments in your portfolio can fluctuate, potentially leading to an unbalanced asset allocation. To address this, consider rebalancing your portfolio. Realigning your investments with your long-term goals and risk tolerance is crucial. In addition, consider moving away from traditional 60/40 portfolios and adopting the new 50/30/20 formula. This formula allows for the inclusion of alternative assets , providing room for diversification and potential opportunities beyond traditional stocks and bonds. By rebalancing, you can optimize your portfolio for the current market environment and position yourself for long-term success.

The 60/40 portfolio refers to a traditional investment allocation strategy where 60% of the portfolio is invested in stocks or equities, and the remaining 40% is allocated to bonds or fixed-income securities. This asset allocation is commonly used to balance risk and return, aiming to provide a combination of growth potential from stocks and stability from bonds. The higher allocation to stocks offers the potential for long-term capital appreciation, while the bond allocation provides income and acts as a buffer during market downturns. The 60/40 portfolio is often favored by conservative investors seeking a balanced approach to asset allocation and risk management.

The 50/30/20 portfolio is a modern asset allocation strategy that deviates from the traditional 60/40 portfolio. In this approach, 50% of the portfolio is allocated to stocks or equities, 30% is allocated to bonds or fixed-income securities, and the remaining 20% is allocated to alternative assets. The inclusion of alternative assets, such as real estate, commodities, or hedge funds, adds diversification and potential for enhanced returns. This allocation aims to strike a balance between growth, income, and risk mitigation. The 50/30/20 portfolio recognizes the value of alternative investments in today's investment landscape and provides room for investors to explore additional asset classes beyond stocks and bonds.

8. Invest in defensive stocks

Investing in defensive stocks is a strategy that involves allocating a portion of your portfolio to companies or sectors that are relatively resistant to economic downturns. Defensive stocks are typically found in industries such as utilities, consumer staples, healthcare, and telecommunications. Here are some key points to consider when investing in defensive stocks:

Stable demand and essential products/services: Defensive stocks often belong to sectors that provide essential goods or services that people need regardless of economic conditions. Companies in these sectors tend to have relatively stable demand and predictable revenue streams. Examples include companies that produce household necessities, healthcare providers, or utility companies.

Relatively stable earnings: Defensive stocks tend to demonstrate more consistent earnings, even during economic downturns. This stability can offer a level of protection during market volatility when compared to companies in cyclical sectors, whose earnings may be more closely tied to economic fluctuations.

Dividend income potential: Many defensive stocks are known for their ability to generate reliable dividend income. These companies often have established track records of consistent dividend payments, which can provide a stable income stream for investors, particularly during turbulent market conditions.

Risk management and downside protection: Investing in defensive stocks can help manage risk in a portfolio. During periods of market decline, defensive stocks may experience smaller declines or be more resilient compared to other sectors. This characteristic can act as a buffer, potentially reducing the overall impact of market volatility on an investment portfolio.

Long-term growth potential: While defensive stocks are typically associated with stability and income generation, it's important to note that they can still offer opportunities for long-term growth. Even in uncertain times, companies in defensive sectors may innovate, adapt, and find ways to expand their market presence or improve efficiency.

9. Seek professional advice

Seeking professional advice is a prudent step to consider when making investment decisions. Here are some key reasons why seeking professional advice can be beneficial:

Expertise and knowledge: Financial advisors and investment professionals have specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of investing. They stay updated on market trends, economic conditions, and investment strategies. Their insights can help you make informed decisions and navigate complex financial landscapes.

Personalized guidance: Professionals can provide personalized guidance based on your individual financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. They take into account your specific circumstances and help develop an investment plan tailored to your needs. This customized approach ensures that your investment strategy aligns with your objectives and helps you make progress towards your financial goals.

Risk management: Managing risk is a crucial aspect of investing. Professionals can assess your risk profile and help you build a diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance. They can provide insights into risk mitigation strategies, asset allocation, and investment products that fit your risk appetite. This expertise helps in constructing a portfolio that aims to optimize returns while managing risk effectively.

Behavioral coaching: Emotions and biases can often influence investment decisions, leading to irrational choices that may harm long-term financial goals. Professionals can act as behavioral coaches, providing objective guidance and helping you avoid impulsive decisions driven by market volatility or short-term fluctuations. They provide a calming influence and encourage a disciplined approach to investing.

Continuous monitoring and adjustments: Investment professionals offer ongoing monitoring of your portfolio and make necessary adjustments as market conditions evolve. They can assess performance, rebalance your portfolio, and make strategic changes based on changing circumstances. This active management ensures that your investments stay aligned with your goals and market trends.

Access to a network of resources: Professionals have access to a wide range of resources, research, and investment tools that may not be readily available to individual investors. They can leverage their networks and expertise to identify investment opportunities, evaluate potential risks, and make well-informed recommendations.

10. Maintain a long-term investment mindset

Maintaining a long-term investment mindset is a key principle for successful investing. Here are some reasons why adopting this mindset can be beneficial:

Focus on long-term goals: A long-term investment mindset keeps your focus on your overarching financial goals. It allows you to prioritize your objectives and make investment decisions that align with those goals. By taking a long-term perspective, short-term market fluctuations and noise have less influence on your decision-making process.

Patience and resilience: Investing in the financial markets involves inherent volatility and fluctuations. A long-term mindset helps you remain patient and resilient during market downturns. Instead of reacting to short-term market movements, you can stay committed to your investment strategy, knowing that long-term trends and fundamentals have a greater impact on investment outcomes.

Capitalizing on compounding: Compound returns can have a powerful effect over time. By maintaining a long-term investment horizon, you give your investments the opportunity to compound and grow exponentially. Reinvesting dividends or returns back into your portfolio can accelerate wealth accumulation. The longer your investment horizon, the more time compounding has to work in your favor.

Reducing transaction costs: Frequent buying and selling of investments can lead to higher transaction costs, such as brokerage fees and taxes. A long-term investment mindset reduces the need for frequent trading, resulting in lower transaction costs. This cost savings can have a positive impact on your overall investment returns.

Embracing market cycles: Financial markets experience cycles of ups and downs. A long-term mindset allows you to embrace these cycles as natural occurrences rather than reacting to short-term market movements. It enables you to take advantage of market downturns by potentially buying investments at discounted prices and benefiting from their future recovery.

Mitigating emotional biases: Emotions can often influence investment decisions , leading to suboptimal choices. A long-term mindset helps you mitigate emotional biases such as fear and greed. It encourages a disciplined approach to investing, based on long-term strategies and fundamentals rather than short-term market fluctuations

Disclaimer: All securities involve risk and may result in significant losses. Alternative investments involve specific risks that may be greater than those associated with traditional investments; are not suitable for all clients; and intended for experienced and sophisticated investors who meet specific suitability requirements and are willing to bear the high economic risks of the investment. Investments of this type may engage in speculative investment practices; carry additional risk of loss, including possibility of partial or total loss of invested capital, due to the nature and volatility of the underlying investments; and are generally considered to be illiquid due to restrictive repurchase procedures. These investments may also involve different regulatory and reporting requirements, complex tax structures, and delays in distributing important tax information. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market.

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1 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in significant losses.

3 "Annual interest," "Annualized Return" or "Target Returns" represents a projected annual target rate of interest or annualized target return, and not returns or interest actually obtained by fund investors. “Term" represents the estimated term of the investment; the term of the fund is generally at the discretion of the fund’s manager, and may exceed the estimated term by a significant amount of time. Unless otherwise specified on the fund's offering page, target interest or returns are based on an analysis performed by Yieldstreet of the potential inflows and outflows related to the transactions in which the strategy or fund has engaged and/or is anticipated to engage in over the estimated term of the fund. There is no guarantee that targeted interest or returns will be realized or achieved or that an investment will be successful. Actual performance may deviate from these expectations materially, including due to market or economic factors, portfolio management decisions, modelling error, or other reasons.

4 Reflects the annualized distribution rate that is calculated by taking the most recent quarterly distribution approved by the Fund's Board of Directors and dividing it by prior quarter-end NAV and annualizing it. The Fund’s distribution may exceed its earnings. Therefore, a portion of the Fund’s distribution may be a return of the money you originally invested and represent a return of capital to you for tax purposes.

5 Represents the sum of the interest accrued in the statement period plus the interest paid in the statement period.

6 The internal rate of return ("IRR") represents an average net realized IRR with respect to all matured investments, excluding our Short Term Notes and Structured Notes programs, weighted by the investment size of each individual investment, made by private investment vehicles managed by YieldStreet Management, LLC from July 1, 2015 through and including June 30, 2024, after deduction of management fees and all other expenses charged to investments.

7 Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Yieldstreet Alternative Income Fund before investing. The prospectus for the Yieldstreet Alternative Income Fund contains this and other information about the Fund and can be obtained by emailing [email protected] or by referring to www.yieldstreetalternativeincomefund.com. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing in the Fund. Investments in the Fund are not bank deposits (and thus not insured by the FDIC or by any other federal governmental agency) and are not guaranteed by Yieldstreet or any other party.

8 This tool is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any information provided here as investment advice or a recommendation, endorsement or solicitation to buy any securities offered on Yieldstreet. Yieldstreet is not a fiduciary by virtue of any person's use of or access to this tool. The information provided here is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of this information before making any decisions based on such information.

9 Statistics as of the most recent month end.

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