Dear Friends,
Sometimes a simple act of kindness, a mitzvah, combined with an everyday task can lead to something wonderful. For 20 years, I have been cooking Passover meals with Moshe. It’s something I began to do when I was in school and this quiet act of charity has grown particularly close to my heart. It is one of the reasons I again reach out to a few of my friends because I think you will appreciate taking part in this wonderful mitzvah.
Moshe Mosbacher is a close friend of mine. 27 years ago he decided to convert part of his home in Monsey, the garage, into a commercial-grade kitchen and quietly cook meals for five families in the NY and NJ area that couldn’t afford the exorbitant cost Pesach presents. I have learned from Moshe, that a mitzvah leads to bigger things. The effort has grown over the years, and we now cook for over 100 families! These families are often able to support themselves throughout the year but cannot afford the additional cost it takes to provide a traditional Pesach seder.
Pesach starts April 15th at sundown. This year, Moshe will be cooking ~20,000 meals for ~200 families! Unfortunately, as we all know prices for meat and produce are up more than 30% and tins and plasticware are up even more than that. Our budget has grown substantially due to inflation. This year the Pesach project will cost approximately $250,000 and yet a small group of generous individuals like you are committed to making it happen. In addition to monetary donations, there are many in the food business that have donated or provided discounts for the ingredients like meat, fish, onions, and potatoes, it all helps bring down the cost per meal.
Our average cost per family of 8, $1500, provides 12 beautifully prepared meals.
This year, I’d like to welcome you (and your grown children/ grandchildren) to join us in person on April 4 to visit the soup kitchen and partake in the cooking. I am going to arrange a party bus if you’d like to travel together (some snacks and drinks too). If you’d like to join, kindly reply to [email protected] who will send you an invitation and can provide you with the party bus information.
This is our only fundraiser and Yom Tov is right around the corner. Please consider sharing some of the sweetness you enjoy with your family with others who might be doing their best but need a little help. The credit card instructions below will help you donate whatever amount you wish.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful Pesach!
Michael Weisz
Credit Cards:
Please click here to be directed to a PayPal page for the Yieldstreet Foundation
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