Understanding personal finance can give individuals the skills and knowledge needed to manage their money more effectively, including when it comes to investing. Such financial literacy can come from reading top books about finance. We already talked about the best books for investors. Here is our list of the best personal finance books, and more.
Personal finance essentially focuses on individual financial goals and generally comprises individual banking, budgeting, savings, real estate, and investing. It can also be described as the art of managing money.
Knowing how best to put one’s money to work can help people realize their financial goals, including through investments.
It is wise to take advantage of the financial expertise offered in the best personal finance books. However, such information will be more relevant and personally impactful if the following factors are first considered:
By reading personal finance books, you can educate yourself on a host of topics, including investing, real estate, budgeting, and saving.
There is no shortage of personal finance books available to help individuals make smarter decisions with their money. The following is a winnowed-down listing of some of the best books one should consider:
Early exposure to personal finance gives individuals a heightened understanding of the importance of long-term financial planning. The earlier people learn about subjects such as retirement savings, compound interest, and investment options, the better off their financial futures can be.
Gaining such knowledge can help individuals build strong financial habits, make informed financial decisions, avoid debt and financial stress, inspire entrepreneurship, plan for retirement, and empower financial independence.
It can also help people understand the importance of building a diversified investment portfolio that can improve returns and reduce overall risk. In other words, lessening exposure to any one type of asset – which can be achieved be mixing in alternative investments – can help reduce portfolio volatility over time.
Traditional portfolio asset allocation envisages a 60% public stock and 40% fixed income allocation. However, a more balanced 60/20/20 or 50/30/20 split, incorporating alternative assets, may make a portfolio less sensitive to public market short-term swings.
Real estate, private equity, venture capital, digital assets, precious metals and collectibles are among the asset classes deemed “alternative investments.” Broadly speaking, such investments tend to be less connected to public equity, and thus offer potential for diversification. Of course, like traditional investments, it is important to remember that alternatives also entail a degree of risk.
In some cases, this risk can be greater than that of traditional investments. This is why these asset classes were traditionally accessible only to an exclusive base of wealthy individuals and institutional investors buying in at very high minimums — often between $500,000 and $1 million. These people were considered to be more capable of weathering losses of that magnitude, should the investments underperform. However, that meant the potentially exceptional gains these investments presented were also limited to these groups.
To democratize these opportunities, Yieldstreet has opened a number of carefully curated alternative investment strategies to all investors. While the risk is still there, the company offers help in capitalizing on areas such as real estate, legal finance, art finance and structured notes — as well as a wide range of other unique alternative investments. Learn more about the ways Yieldstreet can help diversify and grow portfolios.
Gaining financial literacy — the earlier the better – can help individuals make sound financial and investment decisions, including regarding alternative investments.
Learning how to wisely earn, save, spend, and invest can generally lead to overall stability and wellbeing, including in retirement. A smart way to gain such knowledge is through the expertise offered in top personal finance books.
What's Yieldstreet?
Yieldstreet provides access to alternative investments previously reserved only for institutions and the ultra-wealthy. Our mission is to help millions of people generate $3 billion of income outside the traditional public markets by 2025. We are committed to making financial products more inclusive by creating a modern investment portfolio.